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Class ObservableIdCollection<T>

The same as IdCollection but ready to use with MobX
Its inner array of elements is observable and state changing methods are actions
See all docs in IdCollection

Type parameters





  • Creates new collection

    const nums: Collection<number> = new Collection()
    nums.push( 1 )
    const vegetables = new Collection( [ {
      name: 'potato',
      cost: 20
    }, {
      name: 'squash',
      cost: 31
    } ] )


    • Optional initItems: Array<T>

    Returns ObservableIdCollection



  • get length(): number
  • Items count

    const vec = new Collection( [ [], [] ] )
    assert( vec.length === 2 )
    assert( vec.length === 0 )

    Returns number



  • chunks(chunkSize: number): Array<Array<T>>


  • clear(): void
  • Clears the collection, removing all values

    const vec = new Collection( [ 3, 2, 1 ] )
    assert( vec.isEmpty() )

    Returns void


  • For all elements calls a provided function to determine if an element should be removed from collection. Works in place and returns Array of removed elements.

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 79, 5, 42, 3 ] )
    const _removed = nums.drainFilterBy( ( n ) => n > 10 )
    assert( nums.length === 3 && nums.last() === 3 )
    assert( _removed.length === 2 && _removed.first() === 79 )


    Returns Array<T>


  • Creates new instance of current type of collection only with elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function. Similar to Array.prototype.filter

    const arrays = new Collection( [ [], [ 5 ], [] ] )
    const nonEmptyArrays = arrays.filterBy( ( arr: number[] ): boolean => arr.length !== 0 )
    assert( nonEmptyArrays.length === 1 )
    assert( nonEmptyArrays.first()[ 0 ] === 5 )


    Returns this


  • findBy(predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>, startIndex?: undefined | number): null | T
  • Searches for an element that satisfies a predicate
    Takes a closure that returns boolean. It applies this closure to each element of the collection, and if any of them return true, then findBy() returns element. If they all return false, it returns null

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
    const one = nums.find( ( n: number ): boolean => n === 1 )
    assert( one === 1 )
    const ten = nums.find( n => n === 10 )
    assert( ten === null )
    type Tree = { name: string }
    const trees = new Collection<Tree>( [ { name: 'spruce' }, { name: 'pine' }, { name: 'poplar' } ] )
    const pine = trees.find( ( t: Tree ): boolean => t.name === 'pine' )
    assert( pine && pine.name === 'pine' )
    const pineAtTheEnd = trees.find( t => t.name === 'pine', 2 )
    assert( pine === null )


    • predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>


    • Optional startIndex: undefined | number

      The position where to start searching

    Returns null | T


  • findById(id: IdOf<T>): null | T
  • Search item by ID and returns it, otherwise returns null

    const coll = new IdCollection( [
       { id: 30, name: 'Wassa' },
       { id: 50, name: 'Sawwa' }
    ] )
    const sawwa = coll.findById( 50 )
    assert( sawwa !== null && sawwa.name === 'Sawwa' )
    const nobody = coll.findById( 333 )
    assert( nobody === null )


    • id: IdOf<T>

      Item identifier

    Returns null | T


  • findIndexBy(predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>, startIndex?: undefined | number): number
  • Searches for an index of element that satisfies a predicate
    Like findBy but returns index

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
    const oneInd = nums.find( ( n: number ): boolean => n === 1 )
    assert( oneInd === 0 )
    const tenInd = nums.find( n => n === 10 )
    assert( tenInd === -1 )
    const trees = new Collection<Tree>( [ { name: 'spruce' }, { name: 'poplar' } ] )
    const poplarInd = trees.find( t => t.name === 'poplar' )
    assert( poplarInd  === -1 )


    • predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>


    • Optional startIndex: undefined | number

      The position where to start searching

    Returns number


  • findIndexById(id: IdOf<T>): number
  • Search item by ID and returns its index or -1

    const coll = new IdCollection( [
       { id: 30, name: 'Wassa' },
       { id: 50, name: 'Sawwa' }
    ] )
    const sawwaInd = coll.findIndexById( 50 )
    assert( sawwaInd === 1 )
    const nobodyInd = coll.findIndexById( 333 )
    assert( nobodyInd === -1 )


    • id: IdOf<T>

      Item identifier

    Returns number


  • first(): null | T
  • Returns the first element of the collection, or null if it is empty

    const coll = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] )
    assert( coll.first() === 'a' )
    assert( coll.first() === null )

    Returns null | T


  • Calls a closure on each element of an collection.

    interface Counter {
      count: number;
      increment(): void;
    const vec: Collection<Counter> = new Collection()
    const c: Counter = {
      count: 0,
      increment: function() {
    vec.push( c )
    vec.forEach( c => c.increment() )
    assert( vec.first().count === 1 )


    • closure: CallbackFuncType<T, void>

      Callback which will be called on each element

    Returns void


  • get(index: number): null | T
  • Returns an element at the given position or null


    • index: number


      const coll = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] )
      assert( coll.get( 2 ) === 'c' )
      assert( coll.get( 12 ) === null )

    Returns null | T


  • getInnerRef(): Array<T>
  • Returns reference to inner array of elements

    const vec = new Collection( [ 0, 9, 8 ] )
    const inner = vec.getInnerRef()
    assert( inner[ 2 ] === 8 )
    assert( inner[ 0 ] === undefined )
    assert( inner === vec.getInnerRef() )

    Returns Array<T>


  • has(it: T): boolean
  • Returns true if the collection contains an element which is the same as the given value. Uses strict comparison

    const vec = new Collection( [ 7, 8, 9 ] )
    assert( vec.has( 8 ) )
    assert( !vec.has( 10 ) )
    const car1 = { name: 'UAZ' }
    const cars = new Collection( [ car1, { name: 'Toyota' }] )
    assert( cars.has( { name: 'Toyota' } ) === false )
    assert( cars.has( car1 ) === true )


    • it: T

      Item which is searching for

    Returns boolean


  • hasById(id: IdOf<T>): boolean
  • Returns true if element with given ID exists in collection
    Similar to `collection.findById( id ) !== null

    type Furniture = { id: number, type: string }
    const furniture = new IdCollection<Furniture>()
    furniture.push( [ { id: 32, type: 'couch' }, { id: 13, type: 'bed' } ] )
    assert( furniture.hasById( 32 ) )
    assert( !furniture.hasById( 99 ) )


    • id: IdOf<T>

      Item identifier

    Returns boolean


  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • Returns true if the collection contains no elements

    const vec = new Collection( [ [], [] ] )
    assert( !vec.isEmpty() )
    assert( vec.isEmpty() )

    Returns boolean


  • last(): null | T
  • Returns the last element of the collection, or null if it is empty

    const coll = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] )
    assert( coll.last() === 'c' )
    assert( coll.last() === null )

    Returns null | T


  • lastIndex(): number
  • Returns index of last element or -1

    const vec = new Collection()
    assert( vec.lastIndex() === -1 )
    vec.push( [ 2, 3 ] )
    assert( vec.lastIndex() === 1 )
    assert( vec.lastIndex() === ( vec.length - 1 ) )

    Returns number


  • Produces a new Array<R> by calling given closure on each element of the original collection and collecting return values of this closure Like map but returns Array instead of collection

    const coll = new Collection<number>( [ 1, 2 ] )
    const doubleStrArr = coll.mapArr( ( n: number ): string => ( n * 2 ).toString() )
    assert( doubleStrArr[ 0 ] === '2' )
    assert( doubleStrArr[ 1 ] === '4' )
    const towns = new Collection( [ { name: 'Sydney' }, { name: 'Baghdad' } ] )
    const names = towns.mapArr( t => t.name )
    assert( names.length === 2 && names[ 1 ] === 'Baghdad' )

    Type parameters

    • R

      Return type of the callback and consequently type of items in generated array


    Returns Array<R>


  • pop(): null | T
  • Removes the last element from the collection and returns it. Or return null if collection is empty

    const chars = new Collection( [ 'o', 'p', 'q' ] )
    const last = chars.pop()
    assert( last === 'q' )
    assert( chars.length === 2 ) // [ 'o', 'p' ]

    Returns null | T


  • push(it: T | Array<T>): void
  • Appends an element(s) to the back of a collection

    const vec = new Collection( [ 'd', 'e', 'w' ] )
    assert( vec.last() === 'w' )
    vec.push( 'a' )
    assert( vec.last() === 'a' )
    vec.push( [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ] )
    assert( vec.length === 7 )


    • it: T | Array<T>

      Element or array of elements to append

    Returns void


  • pushUniq(it: T | Array<T>): void
  • Appends an element(s) to the back of a collection only if element is not exists in collection
    Uses simple strict comparison ( itemA === itemB ) for checking

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
    nums.pushUniq( [ 4, 3, 1, 5 ] ) // 3 and 1 will not be appended
    assert( nums.length === 5 )
    const trees = new Collection( [ { name: 'spruce' }, { name: 'pine' } ] )
    trees.pushUniq( [ { name: 'poplar' }, { name: 'spruce' } ] ) // all elements will be appended
    assert( trees.length === 4 )
    assert( trees.last().name === 'spruce' )


    • it: T | Array<T>

      Element or array of elements to append

    Returns void


  • Appends an element(s) to the back of a collection only if element is not exists in collection
    Uses given compare function to check existing. Comparator must return boolean
    If for some pair of elements (inner and given) compare function returns true, given element will not be added

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
      [ 4, 3, 1, 5 ],
      ( innerItem: number, externalItem: number ): boolean => innerItem === externalItem
    // 3 and 1 will not be appended. For primitives this example is the same as `pushUniq`
    assert( nums.length === 5 )
    type Tree = { name: string }
    const trees = new Collection<Tree>( [ { name: 'spruce' }, { name: 'pine' } ] )
    trees.pushUniqBy( [ {
      name: 'poplar'
    }, {
      name: 'spruce'
    } ], ( itA: Tree, itB: Tree ): boolean => {
      return itA.name === itB.name
    } )
    // second spruce will not be added
    assert( trees.length === 3 )
    assert( trees.last().name === 'poplar' )


    • it: T | Array<T>

      Element or array of elements to append

    • compare: CompareFuncType<T>

      Callback that will be compare given elements and existing in collection elements. Must return boolean

    Returns void


  • pushUniqById(it: Array<T> | T): void
  • Appends an element(s) to the back of a collection only if elements collection has no same id(s)
    Uses given compare function to check existing. Comparator must return boolean\

    type Tree = { id: number, name: string }
    const trees = new Collection<Tree>( [ { id: 5, name: 'spruce' }, { id: 7, name: 'pine' } ] )
    trees.pushUniqById( { id: 5, name: 'spruce' } ) // will not be added
    assert( trees.length === 2 )
    trees.pushUniqById( { id: 9, name: 'poplar' } ) // will be added
    assert( trees.length === 3 )
    assert( trees.last().name === 'poplar' )


    • it: Array<T> | T

      Element or array of elements to append

    Returns void


  • reduce<A>(callback: (acc: A, it: T) => A, initValue: A): A
  • Type parameters

    • A


    • callback: (acc: A, it: T) => A
        • (acc: A, it: T): A
        • Parameters

          • acc: A
          • it: T

          Returns A

    • initValue: A

    Returns A


  • remove(index: number): null | T
  • Removes and returns the element at position index within the vector

    const vec: Collection<string>  = new Collection( [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ] )
    const y = vec.remove( 1 )
    assert( y === 'y' && vec.length === 2 )
    const a = vec.remove( 5 )
    assert( a === null && vec.length === 2 )


    • index: number


    Returns null | T


  • Searches for an element that satisfies a predicate. And if some is matches removes and returns it. Stops after first found element

    const vec = new Collection( [ [ 'a' ], [ 'b', 'c' ], [ 'd' ] ] )
    vec.removeBy( it => it.length === 2 ) // removes second array
    assert( vec.length === 2 )
    const first = vec.removeBy( it => it.length === 1 ) // removes just first array
    assert( first[ 0 ] === 'a' )
    assert( vec.length === 1 )


    Returns null | T


  • removeById(id: IdOf<T>): null | T
  • Removes and returns the element with given ID
    Returns null if element is not exists

    type Furniture = { id: number, type: string }
    const furniture = new IdCollection<Furniture>()
    furniture.push( [ { id: 32, type: 'couch' }, { id: 13, type: 'bed' } ] )
    const removedSofa = furniture.removeById( 32 )
    assert( removedSofa.type === 'couch' )
    assert( furniture.length === 1 )
    const table = furniture.removeById( 333 )
    assert( table === null )


    • id: IdOf<T>

      Item identifier

    Returns null | T


  • repeat(num: number): this
  • Creates a new collection by repeating all elements num times.

    const chars = new Collection( [ 'a', 'z' ] )
    const repeated = chars.repeat( 3 )
    assert.deepEqual( repeated.toArray(), [ 'a', 'z', 'a', 'z', 'a', 'z' ] )


    • num: number

    Returns this


  • reset(data: null | Array<T>): void
  • Resets all items in collection

    • If given data is null it will be the same as clear
    • If data is Array, these items replace exist items
    const vec = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] )
    vec.reset( [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ] )
    assert( vec.last() === 'z' && vec.first() === 'x' )
    vec.reset( null )
    assert( vec.isEmpty() )


    • data: null | Array<T>

    Returns void


  • Retains only the elements specified by the predicate.

    In other words, remove all elements for which predicate return false. Like a {@link filter} but operates in place. Returns Array of removed elements.

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 79, 5, 42, 3 ] )
    nums.retainBy( ( n ) => n > 10 )
    assert( nums.length === 2 )
    assert( nums.first() === 79 && nums.last() === 42 )


    Returns Array<T>


  • rfindBy(predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>, startIndex?: undefined | number): null | T
  • Searches for an element in the collection from the right, returning it or null
    See findBy

    const arrays = new Collection( [ [ 'a' ], [ 'b', 'c' ], [ 'd' ] ] )
    const arrWithOneItem = arrays.rfindBy( a => a.length === 1 )
    assert( arrWithOneItem[ 0 ] === 'd' )


    • predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>


    • Optional startIndex: undefined | number

      The position where to start searching

    Returns null | T


  • rfindIndexBy(predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>, startIndex?: undefined | number): number
  • Searches for an element in the collection from the right, returning its index or -1
    See findIndexBy

    const arrays = new Collection( [ [ 'a' ], [ 'b', 'c' ], [ 'd' ] ] )
    const arrWithOneItemIndex = arrays.rfindIndexBy( a => a.length === 1 )
    assert( arrWithOneItemIndex === 2 )


    • predicate: CallbackFuncType<T, boolean>


    • Optional startIndex: undefined | number

      The position where to start searching

    Returns number


  • set(index: number, it: T): boolean
  • Replaces element at the given position with new element
    If index is out of current collection range returns false

    const coll = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] )
    coll.set( 0, 'x' )
    assert( coll.first() === 'x' )
    const isSetted = coll.set( 10, 'z' )
    assert( !isSetted && coll.length === 3 )


    • index: number


    • it: T

    Returns boolean


  • shift(): null | T
  • Removes the first element from the collection and returns it. Or return null if collection is empty

    const chars = new Collection( [ 'o', 'p', 'q' ] )
    const first = chars.shift()
    assert( first === 'o' )
    assert( chars.length === 2 ) // [ 'p', 'q' ]

    Returns null | T


  • shuffle(): void
  • Shuffles the collection by using Fisher-Yates algorithm.

    const vec = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
    assert( true ) // who knows in what sequence these numbers are now

    Returns void


  • swap(indexA: number, indexB: number): boolean
  • Swaps two elements in the collection Returns false if indexA or indexB are out of bounds.

    const nums = new Collection( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
    nums.swap( 0, 2 )
    assert( nums.first() === 3 && nums.last() === 1 )
    const isSwapped = nums.swap( 0, 4 )
    assert( isSwapped === false )


    • indexA: number

      index of the first element

    • indexB: number

      index of the second element

    Returns boolean


  • toArray(): Array<T>
  • Returns new array of existing elements, without deep copying

    const car = { id: 1, name: 'UAZ' }
    const vec = new Collection()
    vec.push( car )
    const arr = vec.toArray()
    assert( Array.isArray( arr ) )
    assert( arr[ 0 ] === car )

    Returns Array<T>


  • toJSON(): null | string
  • Returns json string of inner array of elements. It is unlikely, but it is still possible that the JSON.stringify ends with an error, in that case toJSON will return null

    const colors = new Collection( [ 'red', 'green' ] )
    const json = colors.toJSON()
    assert( json === "[\"red\",\"green\"]" )

    Returns null | string


  • truncate(len: number): boolean
  • Shortens the collection, keeping the first len elements and dropping the rest. If len is greater than the vector's current length, this has no effect. Returns true if collection truncated.

    const chars = new Collection( [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] )
    chars.truncate( 2 )
    assert.deepEqual( chars.toArray(), [ 'a', 'b' ] )


    • len: number

      Expected length of collection

    Returns boolean

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